Best Decred PoS Pools

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As the development of Decred continues, many people have started to use PoS pools to make profit on their investments in the project. For everyone who is interested in joining a pool, this post will compare the major PoS pools with each other.

Here is a list of all the operational PoS pools:

The criteria questions are: 

  • How good is the support from the pool operators? 
  • How big is the pool compared to the network?
  • How well is the pool functioning?
  • How high are the current fees?

The pools will be compared using data from and

Of course this comparison is not 100% accurate, but it may help to make the right choices.

How good is the support from the pool operators? 

In order to choose the best PoS pool, the most important factor is the pool operator. In many cases the pool is operated by multiple people. Think of the operators as if they were potential colleagues. It is essential for a good collaboration that you trust them. 

What determines good support? A big factor is accountability, which means that the operators are willing to take responsibility for their work. How can you determine that? A few suggestions:
  • Do they communicate their progress to the users? 
  • Is there an easy to use contact option available?
  • Did the operators leave any links to their social media?
  • Is there a support page on
Note: it is good to know that pool operators can absolutely not control your funds. The pool does not require your private keys, so there is no risk of  losing any DCR. The reason why you would want trustworthy pool operators is because this often means better support if anything goes wrong, and because it is more likely that you will pick a stable and well-maintained PoS pool.

How big is the pool compared to the network?

Ideally each PoS pool has a similar share in the total PoS network. This ensures that the votes are equally distributed. In the future, when Decred has evolved into a DAO, miners and voters will decide on important decisions. To avoid centralisation of the network (like bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies), equally sized PoS pools are desirable.

How well is the pool functioning?

The functioning of the pool is another important criteria, since you don't want your precious tickets to miss any votes. For this reason, it is wise to check the pool behaviour in the past. It should be noted that missed tickets may also be caused by poorly connected PoW miners, it is not necessarily the fault of the pool. Keep this in mind while choosing your pool! 

How high are the current fees?

The final criteria that you should take into account is the fee percentage. All operators have made considerable investments to host a PoS pool. You are paying a percentage from your reward to the pool operators so that they can continue to offer their services.


If you want to choose the best PoS pool, there are four main criteria to consider:
  • How trustworthy are the pool operators? 
  • How big is the pool compared to the network?
  • How well is the pool functioning?
  • How high are the current fees?

What do you think? Which pool would you choose? Did we miss anything?

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